IP Audits

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IP Audits

Every single business has intellectual property – but not every business recognises or understands what intellectual property they have. This is where an IP Audit can help.

What is an IP Audit?

An IP Audit is a detailed review which starts by taking the time to understand the business itself and your commercial ambitions, and then identifies the IP already held by the business and/or which might arise from a new project.

The IP Audit from Ouzman IP will make recommendations on what to do next and will give guidance and options for each step, as well as details of costs.

In all cases, a clear report giving specific and tailored advice and our recommendations for steps to be taken to maximise the potential value of the IP will be produced and will be discussed with you at a follow up meeting.

For example, the IP Audit might look at:

  • Identifying the IP in a product or service
  • Reviewing existing IP to see whether it remains relevant to the business
  • Looking a possible conflicts with other businesses
  • Explaining what options are available for protecting any IP
  • Setting out remedial steps to secure IP
  • Helping you establish an IP strategy which is practical and will work for your business

We love the challenge!

Ouzman IP is highly experienced in conducting IP Audits and our IP Audit clients come from a huge range of different sectors, from start-ups to established businesses, and with an equally diverse range of ambitions. We love the challenge of making the IP Audit specific to each business and the flexibility of adapting the Audit as needed. An IP Audit is a flexible way of finding out the IP in your business to help your business move on to the next level.

A grant is available

A grant is available (IP Audits Plus) to cover most of the costs of an IP Audit for companies which secure the funding. In Scotland, the grant is administered by the IP Assets team at Scottish Enterprise and Ouzman IP is on a list of approved suppliers for IP Audits under this scheme.


Contact us for details of costs and for advice on IP Audits.